Showcase Your Tool to the No-Code Community

Webkii is where creators, founders, and developers come to discover tools that transform their workflows. Submitting your tool means putting it in front of thousands of people ready to explore what you’ve built.

Standard Listing
Submit Now
Add your tool to our directory for free.
Get in the queue for review (30–90 days wait time).
No guaranteed placement, but you’ll still be on our radar.
Fast Track Listing
Submit Now
Jump to the front of the line with review and placement in 24–48 hours.
A verified listing page designed to grab attention.
Showcased in relevant categories for better discoverability.
Featured in our “New Tools” spotlight section.
Eligible for extra promotion in our newsletter.


What happens if my tool is not approved?

If your tool does not meet our listing standards, we will notify you via email. For Fast Track submissions, a full refund will be issued if your tool isn’t approved.

How do I know if my tool is approved?

You will receive a confirmation email once your tool is reviewed and approved. For Fast Track submissions, you’ll be notified within 24–48 hours.

Can I update my tool listing later?

Yes! Once your tool is listed, you can request updates or edits to your listing by contacting our support team.

Are there any restrictions on tools that can be listed?

We only accept tools that meet our quality standards and provide value to our community. Tools with incomplete details, spammy content, or inappropriate features will not be approved.

How do I promote my tool beyond a basic listing?

Fast Track your submission to get featured placements and access additional promotional opportunities like newsletters and highlighted category listings.

Do you offer refunds for Fast Track submissions?

Yes, if your tool doesn’t meet our listing criteria, we’ll issue a full refund for Fast Track submissions.

Still have questions? Check the help center or email us at